Hazelhurst, Wisconsin, located in Oneida County, has a relatively low overall natural disaster and climate risk assessment. The area experiences moderate lightning risk, with a history of occasional electrical storms. While the risk of hurricanes and tsunamis is deemed not applicable, Hazelhurst is situated near the Upper Wisconsin hydrologic unit, indicating potential flooding risks during heavy precipitation events. The region's climate is characterized by high humidity and moderate temperatures, contributing to a slightly elevated risk of flooding.
Despite being inland, Hazelhurst is not immune to natural disasters. The area's proximity to water bodies like lakes and rivers, such as the nearby Wisconsin and Upper Mississippi hydrologic units, presents a potential flood risk during periods of heavy rainfall. Additionally, the town's location in Wisconsin's Upper Mississippi hydrologic region highlights a susceptibility to flash flooding. While the overall hazard risk is rated as very low, residents should remain vigilant during severe weather events to minimize potential damage and ensure safety.
Although Hazelhurst does not have a high risk rating, it is crucial for residents to be prepared for emergencies and have evacuation plans in place. Geological features like fault lines and mountain peaks are not significant factors in hazard risk, but the town's close-knit community and recreational opportunities contribute to overall resilience. By staying informed about local weather patterns and taking proactive measures to mitigate flood risks, residents can effectively manage any potential natural disasters that may occur in the area.
Power Transmission Lines
Water Bodies
Fault Lines
Hazard Shelters
Fire Stations
Police Stations
Oneida, Wisconsin has a very low overall hazard risk rating, with specific hazards such as wildfires and tornadoes being relatively low. The area is prone to lightning strikes, with a relatively high risk rating, and frequent hail events. The risk of flooding is also relatively low, with only 10 events recorded. Despite the low overall risk rating, the area does experience some hazards, such as snow and ice storms, with 53 events recorded, and strong winds, with 72 events recorded.
This region in Oneida, Wisconsin is characterized by its inland location, with no coastlines or major fault lines nearby. However, the presence of mountain peaks and water bodies can influence certain hazard risks, such as snow and ice storms in mountainous areas and flooding in areas near water bodies. The geological features in this region may contribute to localized hazards, with specific ratios and percentages providing insight into the ...
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Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain